Friday, March 12, 2010

Proud as Punch

(Big Cat by Oliver)

Ever since posting Isabel’s Birthday Troll, I’ve been thinking about how much each of my kid’s art inspires me too. My dear Oliver, now 10, has been diligently drawing ever since he plowed through the wonderful Ed Emberley books as a preschooler. Oliver is also a huge animal lover, and so has become an accomplished artist of birds and mammals.

His ability to see the underlying form in each animal he draws has it’s beginnings in the simple circles, squares and rectangles of Ed Emberley’s world. Now he has entered a new plane of deeper understanding of the intricacies of each form... a delightful thing for me to behold.

Beyond all that, Oliver inspires me through his dedication to his craft. Daily, he devotedly retreats to his art desk in the basement to work on his two magnum opuses: the Oliver bird field guide, and the Oliver field guide to mammals. He has been working on both for years now, consistently churning out several pages a month, all the while strengthening his ability to see form well and then execute it in great detail.

So thanks Oliver for the inspiration! May your dedication and focus begin to rub off on me! Love, Mom

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